Useful recommendations on writing dissertation introduction

The introduction and the abstract for your dissertation are the final two chapters that you will write. I know it sounds strange, why are you writing what appears first last? There is logic behind it, let me explain. The introduction is going to tell your reader what your study is about and how you intend on proving your theory. It has to line up with everything that you write throughout the dissertation. You will find that as you are writing your thesis things are going to change; therefore, your introduction will have to change. To avoid having to keep writing out your introduction write it last. If you want to understand more about dissertation introductions read more.

The contents of your introduction: The main aim and the main purpose of your study should be the focus of your introduction. You should also speak briefly about the former theoretical concepts that have been previously written about your subject. Basically, what are the scholars saying about your topic. As with all theories there are always debates, some academics agree and some don’t, you should use your introduction to discuss your perspective on the theories, talk about why you agree or why you don’t agree with what has previously been written.

Research proposal: Your introduction should line up with what you have written in your research proposal. It has a similar purpose, and that is to let the audience know what your project is about.

What not to include: Your introduction is the direction into your study; therefore, you don’t need to go into detail about what you are going to be doing. It should be brief but to the point, there is no need to add any citations, you don’t need to talk about the results, you can make suggestions towards them but they are not the focus point for your introduction.

Tips for a powerful dissertation

  • Captivate the reader with a strong opening sentence.
  • Eliminate the language of your subject, a layman should be able to read it and understand it.
  • Don’t state any facts that you won’t be able to prove.
  • Keep it as brief as possible.
  • Hire a custom dissertation writing service.